What's New?


Happy Holidays! The SELF office will be closed for the holidays from December 25 - Jan 1. Wishing you all a safe and Happy New Year!
Looking for a training option that meets the California AB 1432 Mandated Reporter Training requirements? We have an option for you, free of charge for all active members and located in the SELF Resource Center. For more information click here or contact our office at info@selfjpa.org. To report your choice of training to CDE please download this form.

Visit the SELF Risk Services Clearinghouse to see all the valuable tools and resources vetted by the Board for SELF Members!
Do you have a superior risk management solution that you would like to share with the membership? Contact our office with details.
SELF Resource Center - Has tons of free risk management resources and training tools for our members. Check out the recordings of our most recent Good Schools Workshop Webinars "Volunteers & Liability Issues"; "Special Education Issues and School District Liability: Transportation Liability - Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Students"; Special Education and School District Liability: Litigation War Stories and the Lessons We Learn From Them". Don't have a log-in? Click here to learn how to make one!

A Message from SELF CEO Dave George
As I write this, another school year is wrapping up across California. Graduation, promotions and other ceremonies are in full swing. District business offices are working hard to finalize budgets and prepare for the uncertainty of California’s budget forecasts next year and following. Enrollment and ADA are trending downward statewide as demographic shifts continue to play themselves out following COVID.
For anyone in school business long enough, these cycles are familiar. But the outcome and extent are never known for certain. Insurance follows economic cycles as well. Member owned Insurance pools such as SELF support schools in managing insurance costs over time. This comes from both being a partner when an unfortunate loss occurs, which could financially devastate any single district; but it also happens in managing the economic insurance cycles which occur.
Keeping costs within budget, setting sustainable rates over time and maintaining partnerships over the long term – all of these are benefits of member owned and driven organizations like SELF. Thirty-seven years strong, and proud to partner with members educating 2.85 million students across the state of California.