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Optional Excess Liability Coverage

In the 2017/2018 program year, the SELF Board increased the core limit to $55 million, merging the Optional Excess Liability Coverage offering into the core. Nearly 90% of SELF's covered ADA was already protected by the higher limits in 2016/2017.


SELF is now examining member appetite for a new OEL offering that would be $10 - $20 million (or higher) beyond the core limit. If your district is interested in higher limits, please contact Lois Gormley, SELF's Director of Communications & Member Services at 916-553-3203.


Because this is an insurance product, our ability to provide this coverage is based on the volume of districts wishing increased liability coverage.



Non-ADA Members


Community Colleges




 Coverage Options


Average Daily Attendance (ADA) ; Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES)

Minimum Contribution amounts apply if a member's total contribution is less than the minimum for that option level.

As of March 3, 2006 any Joint Powers Authority wishing to purchase this coverage as a master member may do so by submitting a JPA Board Resolution and a completed Exhibit "A" Roster of JPA Membership to the SELF office. Master membership allows the JPA to apply for the coverage, to make changes to the OEL option participated in and to be billed on behalf of its members.

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