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Reports of sexual abuse and molestation (SAM) incidences within California public schools continue to increase as litigated award levels are skyrocketing. This troubling trend, coupled with the ramifications within AB 218, underscores the need to maximize student and employee safety and foster public confidence.

In an effort to support our members we have worked in collaboration with Schools Excess Liability Fund (SELF), our excess liability provider, combining our respective resources easily accessed and centrally located. Schools implementing sound risk management strategies create a safer environment for their students while mitigating the chance of costly litigation. Our goal is to offer a road map to a safer school environment for all our members. 

We strongly encourage our members to consider taking advantage of any or all of the available services offered. If you have any questions, please contact us; we would love to hear from you.

Jane Doe
Executive Director
Primary JPA


SAM Resources and Services

SELF Transparent Logo.png
Voice UP Introduction
Assembly Bill No. 218
Product/Service Providers
Making Right Choices
MakingRightChoices - MRC_edited_edited_e

Our goal is to improve your organization’s ability to protect students, employees, and all stakeholders against the risk of harm. We assist your organization in “Making Right Choices” when faced with both everyday and unusual challenges. Our clients thus are better prepared to Recognize, Respond, Report, and finally Resolve conflicts.


NASDTEC (National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification) is a professional membership organization representing state departments of education and professional standards boards/commissions that are responsible for the preparation, licensure, and discipline of K-12 educational personnel.


At Praesidium, our mission is to prevent the sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults and to preserve trust in respected organizations. For more than 30 years, our experts have helped schools, higher education institutions, and other organizations, prevent, and respond to abuse. Praesidium's services include model policies and procedures, training solutions for individuals and groups, background screening services, risk assessment tools, an organizational accreditation program and more. Put Praesidium's experience to work for you and those in your care.

Community Matters

Our mission is to equip and empower students and adults to create schools and communities that are safe, welcoming and inclusive. Our online self-paced training Voice UP! is designed to empower students to identify, prevent and get help for issues surrounding sexual abuse and molestation. Utilizing an age-appropriate empowerment approach, the student training is at the heart of the Voice Up! program. Students learn about the importance of creating and maintaining healthy boundaries, equipping them with tools to recognize, prevent, and report when they see, hear, know, and feel that boundaries have been violated.

Best Practices

AB 218
SELF CEO Dave George discusses the significant impact schools will see from the new law AB 218 as well as links to additional information and resources

Effective policies and procedures for prevention and mitigation of SAM claims 

Media Holding Statements
Example best practice examples for various scenarios

Responding on Social Media
Guidance on responding via Social Media

Praesidium's Tip of the Month

Sign up here

Be the Bridge

Twenty First Century Learner 


US Dept of Education - Educator Sexual Misconduct
What school staff need to know and do 
Boundary Violations, Grooming and Warning Signs Articles 1 - 5

CDE Gender Equity/Title IX Guidance

US DOJ Title IX Manual

California Association of Joint Powers Authorities - CEO Forum
A community driving change - Helping organizations address sexual abuse and molestation risk

Community Matters Program Guide
Comprehensive guide of programs and services that can assist with prevention and intervention of all mistreatment, including SAM

Free online training and risk management platform available to all active SELF members

© 2024 Schools Excess Liability Fund

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