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How do I access my renewal form?

The designated person for your agency will have received an email containing a user-id, password to acces your renewal form online via the SELF Resource Center. Once you have logged in, click on the "Renewal Form " link on the left side of the page.

If you have misplaced your user-id and password contact SELF's Director of Communications & Member Services Lois Gormley at 916-553-3203 or



Can the questionnaire keep last year's data to eliminate the need to re-key information?

Definitely! All districts that have submitted the form in the past will receive a copy that is populated with the information from the previous year. If you receive a form without data, that means we did not receive an underwriting submission from you the previous year or that you previously belonged to an underlying JPA that was submitting the information for you.



Can I save changes to the form and return to it later?

Yes. You can save your work incrementally and return to it later to make adjustments. Use the tabs to move forward and backward through the form. If you press the back button in your broweser it may exit you from the form.

Can I send the questionnaire to other departments in order to get it completed?

Anyone you give your user-id and password to can enter into your form and make updates for you. If you have someone else complete the form, be sure that they click the "Submit this Application " button on the final page so that it will be submitted to SELF.


Our internal security did not allow us to access the site or our form.

Sometimes a district's Internet security settings can interfere with access to our renewal form. If this occurs, contact your IT department and ask them to whitelist the SELF website, or contact Lois Gormley 916-553-3203 and she will assist you with completing the form by telephone.

how can I access my renewal form
can the questionnaire keep last
can I save changes to the form
can I send the questionnaire to other
our internal security did not allow us

FAQ - Annual SELF Underwriting Renewal Form

© 2024 Schools Excess Liability Fund

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